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Joy Dare: January 4th

Posted by on January 4, 2015

10888817_927879657224209_3383902854027985020_nOn January 1st I came across Ann Voskamp’s “joy dare” for January. Since I like to use one of my wall-hanging calendars to write what I’m thankful for each day, I loved this idea immediately. So far, it’s been perfect to get me out of the rut of thanking God for the same types of things all the time, and it’s exciting to have different things to look for each day.

Today, January 4th, I am thankful for:

1. Something OLD: It was so good to be back with my church family again. I consider this to be “old” because I’ve been a part of this church for 10 years–that’s almost 1/3 of my life! This week has been somewhat traumatic and emotional, but somehow the fellowship at church today brought some closure and healing to my heart. The hugs, the concern, the listening ears. I always feel so loved by this body of believers. Rob preached from the beginning of Philippians 1 today and spoke about JOY. Paul tells the Philippians that he holds them in his heart. That is how I feel about my family at Bethel. Everyone is so dear to me. I love them with all my heart and feel so very loved by them in return. I am also very grateful for the familiarity of routine at church today. I was able to play violin for worship, and it was comforting to raise my “voice” together with the congregation.

2. Something NEW: Today is my first day of driving again since my accident last Tuesday. My drive home from church was better than the drive to church. As I was feeling a little more comfortable, I was able to listen to the radio. I had it turned to KLove and discovered a NEW song! “I Am Not Alone” by Kari Jobe ( It was a special moment having these words pour into my heart. Since the car accident I have felt a bit lonely. No other person was there with me. They don’t know exactly what I’ve experienced. My friends have done an excellent job listening, comforting, and loving me… but this was another reminder that Someone WAS with me. God Almighty, who protected me from harm, was right by my side through it all. And He will remain with me through the healing.

3. And finally, something BLUE: This one was fun to discover. I’ve been keeping an eye out for blue things, and when I spotted this, I knew immediately it was the perfect thing. Like I said, today was the first day that I have had a car and have been driving again. I had quite a bit of fear and anxiety about it yesterday. I’ve had flashbacks and nightmares all week. On top of that, it snowed several inches yesterday, so there’s fresh snow and ice on the roads. Before going to bed last night, I opened my Bible to Psalms and read chapter 31, which a friend had encouraged me to read. It was perfect. Several of the verses were so encouraging that I got out a 3×5 card and wrote them out. I will take this with me and pray over it each time I drive, I thought to myself. It has helped calm my fear because it’s a reminder to entrust my life to my Creator, the One who is in control and will protect me on the roads when I am driving. It reminds me to be strong and courageous because of who my God is. And the notecard? It’s BLUE. ;)


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