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You gotta have faith

Posted by on July 5, 2005

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
~Hebrews 11:1

Sometimes I get doubts and fears that some things that are very special to me are going to be taken away from me. At the end of August I will be auditioning for the University Symphony Orchestra at UNC again. Everyone has to reaudition every year, and we have chair auditions after every concert. This, of course, keeps everyone practicing, and things are uncertain all the time. I was TOTALLY amazed and overjoyed that I made the orchestra last year, and I definitely want to be in it again this year.

My fear is that I won’t make it again because I’m not a music major (but I do have a minor). There are 10 new violin majors coming in next year. The violinists would be yelling at me if they knew I was saying this (because they did last spring), but I still can’t make that fear go away. More than almost anything, I want to be in the orchestra. It’s my favorite thing ever!

Just as I did last year, I am putting my faith and my trust in God. He knows whether I should make it or not, and I know His will is best. Hebrews 11:1 encourages me because I am hoping to be in the orchestra, but right now I can’t see whether I will be or not. I’ve had trouble getting motivated to practice violin, but I’m starting to get more excited about it. From now on, I will be practicing HARD because I want to be in UNC’s Symphony Orchestra!!!

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