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My prayer tonight

Posted by on May 4, 2006

Lord, give me love, unfailing love. Without You, I am not capable of loving anyone. I pray that You would help me love, even when it hurts.

Lord, give me joy. Joy is hard to find in difficult situations, but You have told us to be joyful always and to give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) I pray that You would fill my heart with joy.

God, help me to have peace. I get so anxious during trials, but You are a God of peace. Calm my heart and help me to know that You are the giver of peace and that You have everything under control. Everything, no matter how bad it seems, happens for a reason, and all things work together for good to those who love You.

Patience. I have struggled with patience ever since I can remember. Patience is something I need now more than ever. Please give me patience, and help me to be joyful during trials and to endure.

Lord Jesus, give me kindness towards others. On my own, I cannot be kind. I pray that You would fill my heart with every kind thought and word so that I can spread it to others.

Lord, You are so good. You alone are worthy of my praise because You are the only good thing. I am so sinful by nature, and I am ashamed when I take things into my own hands. Please forgive me. Help me to be filled with goodness.

“Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?” (Proverbs 20:6) Lord, I have been told that I am a faithful friend, and I have often thought of myself that way. But I know that I am only faithful by Your grace alone. Please help me to be faithful to those I love, even when they hurt me. Lord, help me to remember that You are the only one who can make me a faithful friend.

Lord, my words sound so harsh sometimes when I try to speak in love. Give me gentleness of speech and of character. Speak through me when something must be said, and may my words be spoken with Your gentleness.

God, I do not have self-control on my own. Please help me to control my anger. Give me self-control in my actions and in my words. Help me to turn to You and to trust You with all my heart in every situation.

Lord, so often I feel that I accuse others of their wrongdoing without first examining myself. Please forgive me for my sins, and help me to worry about myself before I turn to accuse others of their sin. I am as sinful as anyone else, and it is only by Your grace that I am saved. Lord, please work in my life. Help me to seek You and to strive to become more and more like You each day that I live. Help me to share Your love, Your joy, Your peace, Your patience, Your kindness, Your goodness, Your faithfulness, Your gentleness, and Your self-control. I love you.


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