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There is always something new to learn

Posted by on December 30, 2006

Having grown up in a Christian family, I have heard the stories of the Bible over and over again since I was little. Because of this, sometimes I don’t quite fathom the awesome and amazing power of each and every one of these stories. Sometimes at Christmas and Easter, I blow off the stories thinking to myself that I have heard them so many times that I already know them. But there is always more to uncover…

Before continuing, I must take a quick detour to my education degree. I am halfway through my junior year now and will soon be completing my last semester of classes before my year of student teaching. I have enjoyed all my education classes; it excites me to be learning about what I actually want to do–teach! Something I learned in my Ed Psych class last spring keeps coming to my mind lately.

Teaching is a process, and you build upon the knowledge and experience that is there. If a child is merely memorizing a bunch of random facts, they will never stick in his memory. In order to remember things that you learn, you must connect the new facts and knowledge to your existing knowledge and experiences. You have to make them PERSONAL to you.

This same method can be used in spiritual growth also. When reading those familiar stories, don’t just read them as you’ve read them before. Read them as a new person (after all, you’re always growing). Read them and find new significances since you last read them. Read them and make them PERSONAL.

One last thing–since this will most likely be my last post of 2006…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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