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Be Still

Posted by on April 11, 2012

“Be still, and know that I am God.” ~Psalm 46:10

What does it mean to “be still”? I recently got a new Bible translation (the God’s Word translation), and it has added a new perspective to my faith. Psalm 46:10 is translated: “Let go [of your concerns]. Then you will know that I am God.” I am in the process of finding a condo to buy for myself. I did not realize how much this process would involve waiting, and I am learning that waiting is more a test of my faith in God than I imagined it would be.

Both of the offers I have made on condos have been multi-offer situations, and it feels like I have to fight for what I want – or for what I think I want. Today has been a day of turmoil in my heart over decisions. What do I really want? What are my priorities? Am I willing to make a higher offer? Am I ok with a different condo complex? The questions have swirled in my head, and I have felt distant from everything all day because I can’t find peace in my heart about this decision.

I have spent most of tonight alone. Earlier I talked to several friends, my sister, my mom, the realtor – but nothing helped. They gave advice, they listened, they helped me weigh pros and cons – but they cannot give me peace. Finally, I turned my phone off, closed my bedroom door, and fell face-down on my bed in prayer to the Lord. Rain sprinkled softly outside and every once in a while I would hear a soft rumble of thunder.

I began to think about Psalm 46:10. How can I “be still” when my heart feels so restless? How can I “know He is God” when I feel like this “perfect” condo that I desire might slip through my fingers? I noticed that in the God’s Word translation this verse reads like a cause and effect. When I finally let go of my concerns, then I will know that He is God. As I laid there, I prayed that God would help me to be still and let go. Do I not trust that He will provide what is absolutely best for me? If this condo on which I currently placed an offer does not work out, it is not what is best for me. It’s hard to let go and believe that He will work this out for me. But the longer I prayed and rested in Him, the more I felt I was coming to believe that He is God.

Upon getting up 45 minutes later, a fresh and overwhelming sense of peace washed over me like the rain that freshened the air outside tonight. Where I felt unsure about the decisions I have to make about condos, I now feel confident and at peace. My mind is made up what to do when the time comes to make a decision tomorrow. No one else is here with me, but I received the peace I needed from the Prince of Peace Himself. My heart is still, and I know that He is God.

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