Spiritual Growth
Let My Mind Dwell
I am learning to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The struggles and sins that I encounter every day are, first of all, a battle of the mind that I must fight with the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word). In feeling discouraged by Satan’s lies about my … Continue reading
My Father
My parents wanted us kids to experience a variety of places, so they planned many unique trips when we were little. On one trip, we followed the path of the Oregon Trail and saw famous landmarks like Chimney Rock, as well as places where the wagon wheel tracks are still visible. Another vacation helped us … Continue reading
Grace vs. Anxiety
Have you ever tried to understand the complete meaning of grace? I mean, really wrap your mind about everything that is included in God’s grace? It is everything we don’t deserve. It is every good thing the Creator gives us in our earthly life: Friends. Breath every day. Health. Flowers. Music. Sunshine. Kittens. Chocolate. Children… … Continue reading
The Power of a Thank You
At the end of January, many of my students were well below grade level in reading. I decided it was time to hit them hard with the reality that their reading future was in their own hands. I gathered the students around my rocking chair. When I asked how many of my 23 students actually … Continue reading
El Elyon and El Shadday
I spent some time studying Psalm 91 more deeply this morning. At this point, I studied verse 1 mainly and then looked for themes throughout the chapter… Psalm 91:1 (God’s Word translation w/names) “Whoever lives under the shelter of Elyon will remain in the shadow of Shadday.” – El Elyon is the Most High God, … Continue reading
Oh, Magnify the Lord with Me
Is God big enough? 2013. A new year has begun. I’m at a point in life where I feel that my problems are overwhelming my joy. My weakness is overtaking my strength. Is God big enough? During the Christmas season I was reminded of Mary’s words when she was presented with the overwhelming task of … Continue reading
I love dark chocolate. (Lily loves the wrapper!) Sometimes it’s a sweet spot on a dark day. Today’s message read: The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Though the quote is not entirely biblical in the way it’s worded, it reminded me of a lesson the … Continue reading