Spiritual Growth
The POWER of God’s Word
I don’t think I quite realize the power of God’s Word. It changes death to life, anxiety to trust, and uncertainty to peace…and that’s only the beginning. John Piper says that past grace is the foundation to future grace. The way God worked in the past gives us reason to trust Him for His faithfulness … Continue reading
A Very Present Help
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Sometimes God calls us to serve Him in ways that are difficult or challenging. I got a new student this week, bringing the number of my students to 31. When I first started teaching 5th grade, I had 19 students. And … Continue reading
From Anxiety to Perfect Peace
My jaw is tense. My muscles are tight. My stomach is unsettled. I cannot relax. My mind races because my to-do list is not done. I feel that I must prepare myself for anything that might happen in the future. I fear what I cannot control. I am afraid of negative past experiences recurring in … Continue reading
Glorious Truth
Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. God’s goodness and mercy follow me. Everywhere I go throughout today, I can be sure that God is sovereign, He is good, and He is merciful. Goodness follows me … Continue reading
Lord of All
Jesus is Lord of All. Not Lord of Some. Lord of All. How amazing that He comes from His throne on high to take residence within my heart! Perfect in peace, He makes me whole. Perfect in love, He drives away fear. I have discovered recently, however, that there are some areas of my life … Continue reading
What is Failure?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 is a well-known Scripture verse, but sometimes we don’t actually see the good that comes from what seems like a negative experience. Or sometimes it takes years… “In … Continue reading
Bringer of the Morning
“Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place?” (Job 38:12) God is the Bringer of the morning. At His command, the sun rises to spread light on all that was darkness. His light pierces the dark places of my heart, and He turns all things for … Continue reading