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Christmas in the Eyes of a Cat

Posted by on December 27, 2014

 Christmas! A time filled with lights, dangling toys, music, and coziness!

01The Christmas tree makes the perfect hiding spot.

02And there are toys dangling everywhere so that I can jump up and snatch them down to play with.

03I love all the extra snuggle time with my human since she has a break from work.


05Time to wrap the presents!

06Wrapping gifts is exhausting! Naptime?

07I have to look extra pretty to visit the relatives in Denver.

08Traveling is fun!

09I have more humans to play with!


Wait for it…11Gotcha!

12It’s starting to snow outside!

13There are piles of gifts under the tree–now I can really hide!

14Some of the gifts were for me–new shiny and dangling toys!


16I love listening to all the beautiful Christmas music, too.

12.5But this is what Christmas is all about? A Savior is born!


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