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Come as little children

Posted by on July 23, 2005

I’ve always loved kids. A friend told me that she thought teaching was the hardest job. I had never considered it that before, but since she said that I’ve been thinking more about it. This summer, I’ve had the privilege of teaching 6 students in addition to babysitting. I always told people that I wanted a “real” job, but then lots of people asked me to teach their kids violin or piano or to babysit, and I decided that would be sufficient for a job.

I have GREATLY enjoyed working with kids this summer! They always surprise me with their understanding of music when I’m teaching them, and I’ve learned a lot from my experience. Thinking back on my friend saying that teaching is the hardest job, I’ve realized that it is difficult, but it is also very rewarding. Every child is different, and you have to figure out how to reach them. There is no set formula that works for all of them. When you step down and become friends with them, it is amazing what you can learn.

Yesterday as I was babysitting, I went from dancing to fiddle music to dressing up in fancy dresses and pretending to be a princess–and I don’t usually like dancing. Somehow when I’m spending time with children babysitting I feel like a child again. It’s easy to forget the huge troubles of the world when you get down and play with kids and pretend things with them.

It also teaches you to appreciate the small stuff. Children get so excited over little things, and sometimes we as adults get too wrapped up in our lives to notice those kinds of things. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” We need to have the innocence and faith of a child. They may not have as much experience in this world as we do, but we can definitely learn a lot from them!

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