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Posted by on March 2, 2012

I don’t know why I’m so worried about keeping my job. If my principal has anything to do with it, I will still be a teacher at Platteville Elementary. I had my summative evaluation yesterday, where we look at the year as a whole. He didn’t say anything about next year but complimented me practically the whole time.

He is astounded by how much my classroom management has grown since last year – he told me that he just can’t believe it’s only my 2nd year (with a full class). He said I am just a natural teacher and that I am enthusiastic in my relationships with students, parents, and staff.

But the compliment that leaves me in awe of my Savior is when my principal told me that he didn’t know how else to compliment me but to say that I make Platteville Elementary a better place because of my powerful positive attitude. In Christian language that means: “the love of Christ is shining through you and making a difference at our school” – which is exactly what God revealed to me last August when I drove through Platteville to see the sun’s rays streaming down out of the clouds to illuminate the school. (See

And, in fact, it is not me, but God Himself who is making a difference at Platteville Elementary this year. I can only stand in awe and worship of my God.

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