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Don’t be late

Posted by on June 16, 2005

Probably my greatest pet peeve is being late. I absolutely cannot stand to be late, although there are some occasions where I’m more laid back, and I won’t care as much. There are always those people that are consistently late, and I don’t like having that reputation. I almost always give myself extra time for driving so that I don’t have to speed. I mean, who wants to be rushing around to everything anyway? I have noticed that when I do leave extra early, if there is a train or some other kind of delay, I don’t care. I don’t mind being right on time, but being 5-10 minutes early is even better.

Some people who are repeatedly late joke and say that they like to make a “grand entrance.” I understand that they are kidding when they say this, but that’s exactly what I don’t want. I hate that feeling of walking in late and everyone turns and looks at you. I’m always worried that I will miss something important. I also understand that people who are always early or on time can be irritating at times because people don’t have extra time to get ready or whatever. But the way I see it, if the person sets a time for something, they should be ready for people to arrive at that time.

I, being a violin and piano teacher, love the students who are always on time because then they get a full lesson. I care about my students, and I want them to learn as much as they can in the time that I have to work with them. It’s annoying when I have to wait around for them to arrive, and then they don’t get their full lesson. Doesn’t that make sense? Anyway, sorry if I sound too demanding or complaining…but the point of this post is that I don’t like being late.

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