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El Elyon and El Shadday

Posted by on February 25, 2013

I spent some time studying Psalm 91 more deeply this morning. At this point, I studied verse 1 mainly and then looked for themes throughout the chapter…

Psalm 91:1 (God’s Word translation w/names) “Whoever lives under the shelter of Elyon will remain in the shadow of Shadday.”
– El Elyon is the Most High God, the highest in every realm of life. His power, mercy, and sovereignty cannot be matched. Thus, the first part of verse 1 could be read, “He who orders his life under the sovereign authority of the Most High God…”
– El Shadday is God Almighty, the All-Sufficient One. Nothing is impossible for Him. In Hebrew Shadday literally means “the mountain One.” He is faithful, He is unchanging. But there is also a nurturing side because the word Shadday also means “breast,” which indicates a God who protects and nurtures like a mother does. Isn’t it crazy that the second half of the verse says, “will remain in the SHADOW of the Almighty”? Mountains cast a large shadow, and mountains never move. Within this “shadow” is the loving care of our faithful God. He is mighty, but He is gentle.

Verse 4 begins with the nurturing care of El Shadday but ends with His power as a mountain One: “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness and truth are your shield and armor.”

Verses 9-12 connect more with El Elyon: “You have made Elyon your home. No harm will come to you. No sickness will come near your house. He will put His angels in charge over you to protect you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands so that you never hit your foot against a rock.”
– Again, El Elyon is to be our HOME, the place where we dwell – under the protection and shelter of His powerful sovereignty.
– And He puts His angels in charge of us. As the Most High being in every realm of life, the angels are under His sovereign authority.

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