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Embrace Each Moment

Posted by on August 20, 2011

I am not a morning person…yet my favorite time of day is the quiet of the morning, right when the sun is rising. This past week was the beginning of a new school year. The calm and quiet of my summer was invaded by the overwhelmingly busy schedule of being a teacher. I am still not quite adjusted to the fast pace that is so different from what I experienced all summer long. My to-do lists seem never-ending, and my mind won’t be still at night when it’s time to sleep. I guess it makes sense, then why I love the calm of the morning; it gives me a chance to take a breath before the craziness of the day begins.

One morning as I sat down to read my Bible and speak with the Lord, I glanced out the window and saw a bunch of blackbirds lined up along the top of the apartment building next to mine. It seemed funny at first. Something had attracted those birds and caused them to congregate in that particular spot. Then I realized what it was: the sun had just risen high enough in the sky to touch the top of the building…and the birds were there to embrace it. I quickly grabbed my camera and took a picture to capture the moment. Within minutes, the sun had risen higher and the birds began to fly off. The moment had passed.

It reminded me of the many moments in life that don’t last. Life is constantly changing, and sometimes I have trouble accepting change. The precious moments of life don’t last forever, but God gives each one as a gift for us to embrace, turning our faces in joy and thanks to Him. Just as the birds were there to enjoy the warmth of the sun as it revealed a new day, we should embrace each moment that comes along, giving thanks to our God who provides.

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