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Posted by on December 5, 2010

Emmanuel, God with us. Recently this name has been to me a source of comfort and strength, a reason to worship. I’ve known its meaning for years, but this Christmas season, Emmanuel holds a deeper meaning. Living alone has really changed my perspective in a lot of ways and has caused me to depend more on the LORD when no one else is there. The Presence of my Savior is extremely comforting.

Before Jesus was born, the Presence of God was something the Israelites were not able to experience as we do today. Imagine having to go through a priest in order to speak to God, the fear you would feel even walking past a tabernacle and knowing that your sins must be continually atoned for, never having a personal relationship with God your Creator. But that way of life was “broken by a baby’s cry” – when Jesus was born.

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God now dwells with us always, forever. I can’t even express how deeply this comforts me. This Christmas, I am rejoicing in Emmanuel – God who has become personal and who dwells with me always so that I am never alone.

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God.” ~Revelation 21:3

I love the depth this song brings to Emmanuel.
Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground) by Chris Tomlin:

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