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Posted by on October 20, 2005

I can’t remember ever loving fall as much as I have this year. I carry my camera everywhere with me because I love to take pictures of scenery and special moments with friends. The trees around campus are beautiful! These are a few of the scenery pictures I have taken while walking around campus.

I thought this was really cool. The leaves farthest from the camera are green and they gradually turn red!

Here is a beautiful tree just starting to turn green by the University Center.

This is a cool picture of Gunter Hall with wispy clouds above in the blue sky.

I just had to take a picture of these trees lining the sidewalk across the street from Frasier.

More signs of fall over by Frasier.

I took this picture just a little bit ago as I was walking back to my dorm after practicing violin. This verse popped in my head when I looked up at the sky, so I pulled out my camera to take the picture!

Speckled tree!

Now this was a cool sight. It was sprinkling, and the sun added a pink color to the dark thunderclouds!

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