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Girls retreat!

Posted by on September 18, 2005

Pictures from the AWESOME girls retreat this weekend!!! :) (Can you tell that I love pictures?? hehe)

Sara, Ashleigh, Tiffanie, and Kristen

Julie, Sarah, Julie, Christen, and Brittany

Linsi, Sara, Julie, and Natalie

Jada and Ashleigh being silly

cramming into the van at midnight to go to King Soopers

Tiff, Sarah, and Ashlie

Ashleigh, Sarah, and Julie

Larissa driving

Kristen and Julie

Sara and Kristen

Sarah, Ashleigh, and Jada

junk food

Sara playing with the scanner gun

Sara at the checkout

standing in line

Sarah Babb


the van on the way back to Harvest Baptist Church

the group

eating the junk food

sleep time

I don’t like this picture–I look sad!

Julie and Emily

quiet time in the mountains view #1

quiet time in the mountains view #2

yucca plants

Boulder horizon

blue skies

beautiful view

wild daisies

mountain and valley


more worship

all of us in the mountains

Sarah and Julie with wheat

after maneuvering the van through the parking garage, we successfully got it parked without hitting the ceiling or other vehicles!

clearance of 6.5 feet

it’s a tight fit

street performer on Pearl Street

hanging out on Pearl Street

Sarah, Sara, Sara, and Sarah

Kristen, Kristen, and Christen

the Julies

Ashleigh and Ashlie

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