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It’s a good day

Posted by on September 26, 2005

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
~Psalm 118:24

With two tests and no break from 7 am-5 pm, rejoicing was the last thing on my mind. I was definitely not looking forward to today. Every Sunday I pick a new verse to memorize as “verse of the week.” It’s usually just a random verse that I think of or one that I read the past week. The verse of the week this week is Psalm 118:24, and it really applies to the entire week (plus part of next week) as my life is crazy right now. I knew it wouldn’t be good to start out the day with a negative attitude, so I recited this verse to myself literally all day long in order to make myself willing to try to have a good day.

I also thought of a song that helped me get through the day. I’ve only heard the song once or twice, but the words of the chorus stuck in my mind. I don’t know what the song is called, but it’s on the album FFH released a couple years ago.

“Say hey! It’s a good day
even if things aren’t goin’ my way.
Jesus is Lord, and I am saved, so
say hey! It’s a good day!”

Before long, I was having a good day and enjoyed my classes and studying with friends. My tests went okay, and now I move on to studying for the test that I have tomorrow…

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