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Learning to write professionally and logically

Posted by on February 7, 2007

A certain aunt has requested another blog from me, so here it is! ;)

Today I had to read an article on homosexuality in schools and write a short reflection paper on it. In our reflections, we have to take a side and defend it, using logical arguments and solutions, not merely stating our emotions on the topic. Then, we post our reflections on the internet for everyone in our class to read and rate.

I am not a persuasive, debate-loving person by nature, so this class is a challenge, but I’m learning. I do think it’s important to be able to stand up for certain issues. It was difficult to write this reflection, but I feel that I conveyed it the best that I could.

I tried to stay away from the fact that I am a Christian because I don’t want people to look at that and then not listen to what I’m trying to say. The article was not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong, so I did not address that either in this paper. The main point of the article is that homosexual children should be openly accepted in school and that homosexuality should be an open topic in school. With that said, here is my reflection:

Sarah Agee
Reflection 3

In his article, “Differing Sexualities in Singular Classrooms,” Kevin J. Graziano makes the point that homosexual students should be outwardly acknowledged in schools. Graziano is asking teachers and students to make a special place for gays and lesbians, but I disagree. I do think that the classroom should be a safe place for children to learn and grow, but I do not feel that it is right to single out homosexuals in the classroom when there is such a large variety of people in the class.
Every student should be accepted for who they are and learn with the other children. I do not think, however, that school is necessarily the place to single people out and make them feel extra special. Making special extracurricular groups and teaching lessons on homosexuality does just that. If we teach this in schools, then to be absolutely fair, we must also teach every religion, every culture, and every background of every other diverse student in the classroom, which is impossible.
Graziano talks about how he felt small and invisible often in school. He is not the only one. Nearly all students have this experience at least once. Although we stress equality of people, there is always the human tendency to judge others for their appearance, their background, or their differing opinions. It is part of life to feel that you don’t fit in, and I think it is unfair to think that homosexuals are the only ones who feel this way. I do not agree with the abuse of any child, and I think that when caught, students that bully should be properly punished for their actions.
I think a larger issue to be tackled is equality of every child. By focusing in on one specific group, the task of bettering the school education will take forever. After this issue is resolved, there will be another one to work on. Instead, as teachers we should focus on getting to know each child for who he is and creating harmony in the classroom by learning the wonders of math, science, history, and the arts together!

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