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Motherhood Beginnings: One Hard Day

Posted by on March 20, 2019

Yesterday was a hard day. Steve had to get up before 7 to leave early for work because he had a meeting from 8 am to 1 pm. Which also meant I couldn’t call to talk to him until late in the day. Plus, because we knew he had to get up early, I had handled bedtime all by myself the night before and had tried my best not to bother him in the night.

Katelyn did great at King Soopers in the Moby wrap yesterday morning, but the day went downhill when we got home. She was fussy and would just SCREAM. And anything I tried to calm her down only worked for about 30 minutes. I desperately wanted a nap, but all I got was a half-asleep 30 minutes with her restlessly snoozing in her bassinet beside me, awakened by her suddenly screaming. Her fussiness continued all afternoon and all evening. I rocked her with music, put her in the vibrating bouncer, carried her in the Moby wrap, played piano with her… still the fussiness. It took Steve and me 2 1/2 hours to get her to sleep at bedtime — breastfeeding, changing, dressing for bed, swaddling, rocking, bottle, unswaddling, changing, breastfeeding. But once she was asleep, she slept for 4 hours between both feedings!

She was happy this morning, which was fun because it’s her one month birthday! I dressed her all cute to take some pictures. Then she was worn out and slept for an hour. I showered just as she was stirring and getting fussy. She’s had three huge poopie diapers today and was so happy to get clean diapers. After I fed her, she fell asleep. (And no spit up! On Sunday into Monday we had some bouts with her over-eating for comfort and then throwing up a ton all day.) I laid down and fell asleep myself — and we slept for two solid hours!!! What a blessing! And then Steve called and I got to talk to him. ❤️

I’m writing this down to remind myself that every day is different. Just because there’s one hard day — or some hard moments — doesn’t mean it will always be that way.

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