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My Father

Posted by on July 15, 2013

My parents wanted us kids to experience a variety of places, so they planned many unique trips when we were little. On one trip, we followed the path of the Oregon Trail and saw famous landmarks like Chimney Rock, as well as places where the wagon wheel tracks are still visible. Another vacation helped us explore early American history as we visited the Liberty Bell, the Washington Monument, the location of the Battle of Gettysburg, and the changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetery. Every vacation was exciting. We traveled the railroad from Durango to Silverton and back. We rode a boat down the Chattanooga River. We visited hot springs where people received therapy for polio. We walked across the bridge into Mexico and bartered with the shop keepers before heading back to Texas. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Lake Powell and walked on beaches at sunset. We experienced the “Windy City” of Chicago. We climbed up and down the Great Sand Dunes and held baby alligators at a Colorado alligator farm.

When thinking back on these childhood vacations, I never remember feeling anxious. What I do remember: my dad’s careful planning of our vacations. Before our travels had even begun, he researched to find the best places to visit. He spent hours studying maps of our destinations. He calculated how long we should spend at each place and what order would make the most logical sense. He made sure we had enough money for food, lodging, and souvenirs. During the actual vacation, I never had a need to worry. Everything had been planned out carefully, and my dad was in control. Even if my dad got “lost,” he was not really lost. He would simply pull out his map and get us back on track. Because of this, I felt completely secure when traveling. My father had all the details of our vacation under control; all I had to do was relax and enjoy the experience.

My earthly father has given me a small reflection of the care of my heavenly Father. My heavenly Father has all the details of my life under control. Not only has God studied the map of every step I will take, He created the map. Every tiny detail is under His watchful eye. He has also crafted the “events” that will unfold before me. I am His precious child, and as my Father, He delights in me. He has prepared treasures for me and molds both the positive and negative aspects of life for His glory and my good. The Lord is never lost. Even when circumstances surprise me, I am completely secure resting in Him, because He already knows. My Father has all the details of my life under control; my response should be to relax and enjoy the experience.

I can have faith in the One who is in control. When I begin to feel anxious about the details of the future, I need childlike faith to trust my Father. He has gone before me, and He goes with me as I take every step.

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