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My Father’s Hands

Posted by on August 27, 2011

Our first unit for writing in 5th grade is personal narratives. Because reading and writing are so intertwined, I have been making an effort to connect children’s books and reading skills with our writing this year. I’ve always loved children’s literature, and it’s exciting to have a purpose for it in my classroom this year. I have discovered many meaningful books and ones that I would like to add to my own collection.

I just discovered the book My Father’s Hands by Joanne Ryder and instantly loved it. I actually don’t think I’ll be using this one with my class, but I found personal meaning and encouragement from it. The story is simple and poetic, written from the perspective of a young girl who looks up to her father as he shows her the wonder and beauty of the world. As I read the text, I found myself connecting the relationship of this father and daughter to my relationship with my heavenly Father.

“He calls to me with a promise in his voice,                                                                        and I run, seeing his hands curl like a flower budding,                                                      then unfolding wide so I can see…                                                                                       the pink circle of a worm,                                                                                                     the round beetle shining in gold armor,                                                                                 the snail sliding over the dark cracks,                                                                                     or the leaf-green mantis balancing today on long thin legs.                                                     I bend closer, knowing that nothing within my father’s hands will harm me…                        No one will ever bring me better treasures than the ones cupped in my father’s hands.”

How true it is that the Lord, our Father, blesses us with beauty and gifts. We are safe within His hands, and He is the one who provides us with the greatest treasures imaginable.

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