“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8
In the midst of my busy days as a teacher, it’s hard to keep my eyes always on the Lord. What does it even look like? Last fall, I began choosing a “Verse of the Week.” Each week, I wrote the chosen verse on a post-it and stapled it to the bulletin board in my bedroom. This was my way of giving myself a Scriptural focus – something I could bring to mind quickly in the quiet spaces of my day, something I could meditate on repeatedly through the week. It helps to have something so specific, yet so powerful to “drive” your thought life.
I haven’t kept up with this routine faithfully, but I chose a verse again this week and have been thoroughly refreshed by it so far. This week’s focus is Psalm 21:13 – “Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength! We will sing and praise Your power.” We are most satisfied when God is glorified. This is encouraging to me because it means that I can be satisfied right now today. All I have to do is think of who God is and magnify Him. When He is in His rightful place, my heart is content and joyful.