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Reading Scripture as a Married Couple

Posted by on April 18, 2018

Reading Scripture is so very important! I’ve noticed that during times when I’m not consistently reading and studying the Bible, I do tend to slip and struggle more. Many of life’s struggles begin in our minds, and Scripture is the best way to renew our minds. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).

Steve and I received this special Bible as a wedding gift. It’s unusual in that it’s a “reader version” – meaning that the verse numbers are not listed, and each chapter is in paragraph form so that it reads more like a novel. This makes it a difficult Bible to have at church (since you can’t pinpoint specific verses easily), and it doesn’t include any study notes. But it’s the perfect Bible for simply reading!

I had found this idea online somewhere – to document in the table of contents the dates that you finish reading a book of the Bible together as a married couple. We’ve been married just short of 2 years and have only finished 2 books so far – we’ve chosen longer chapters and have been very slow and inconsistent – but it’s always exciting to get to add a date in our table of contents! Just this morning we started the book of James. :)

Though it’s hard to make time for it regularly, I love the time Steve and I get to spend reading the Bible together. We get to share questions and insights as we renew our minds together. What a blessing to share this in marriage!

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