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Shane&Shane…my favorite worship music

Posted by on November 15, 2009

** taken from **

Forged in the creatively charged atmosphere of musician feeding off musician “Everything Is Different” emerged as perhaps the most musically diverse album of Shane&Shane’s career. But lyrically, with a focus on teaching, training, and discipling students in the area of worship ministry, the duo believes it contains more word for word scripture than any album it has ever done.

Shane Barnard: “We always have a tendency to bring the scriptures into our songs. It happens naturally for us. It’s not like we have a game plan, but we’ve always spent a lot of time in the Word of God. The Word of God is just so good – if you don’t mess with it – it’s hard to mess it up. I think this album, probably more than any other album we’ve done, is the Word of God set to music.

“Every song on this album hinges on scripture. The chorus may be scripture, or the first verse may be scripture, then we will expound on that as the song progresses. We have found that, as we walk through life, it is imperative to have the scriptures before us. For me, personally, Psalms 73 has become a staple in my life. It is the summary of my heart, and where I want my heart to be. You’ll find themes from that Psalm in several songs on this CD – ‘Who have I in heaven but you?’ I want to live a life that shows Him off as my reward.

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