Day 2: Prayer
*There are 4 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible)
- Activity #1: several toy animals
- Activity #2: 3-5 large paper hearts, glue/tape, heart stickers (optional instead of paper hearts), 3-5 shoe boxes of various sizes with lids, small objects to place inside (can go with a theme: things you might pray for, things that are the same color, things that start with the same letter, etc.), Bin/basket to place all the small objects inside
- Activity #3: Shoe box with lid attached, picture of door to glue/tape to lid, scissors/cutters, small doll that can fit inside the box
- Activity # 4: Sheet of contact paper, painter’s tape, sharpie, crayons/markers, Needs vs. wants pictures (
Day 2: Lesson
- Open Bible to Matthew 6:6-8. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible.
- Today Jesus is teaching us about prayer. Prayer is when we talk to God.
- We fold our hands when we pray. Fold hands. Can you spot 3 people in the picture who have their hands folded?
- We also close our eyes and bow our heads to pray. Close eyes and bow head. This shows respect for God.

Activity #1: I Am a _____
- Hold up a toy animal and have it “pretend” that it is a different animal.
- Sing (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle)
Example: bear singing
I’m a duck, yes, I’m a duck. (6x – through the whole tune)
- WHAT??? No, bear, no! You’re not a duck, you’re a bear!
Don’t pretend to be something you’re not!
- In the Bible the Pharisees prayed in front of everyone because they wanted attention from people. God sees us, loves us, and cares for us. We can pray (talk) quietly to Him inside our room. He is always listening!
Activity #2: Hidden Prayer Boxes
- Prep: Glue large heart to the top of each lid OR place heart stickers on lids (child can help with this!). Spread boxes out across the floor. Place small objects inside bin/basket.
- Watch as children explore with the boxes and objects. Play by removing lids and placing objects inside the box and replacing the lid.
- Sing (Tune: Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?)
What, oh what is inside my heart?
What, oh what could be there?
Jesus knows what’s inside my heart.
What, oh what’s in my heart?
- God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts and to believe/trust that He will take care of us.
Activity #3: Open and Close the Door
- Prep: Draw a picture of a door and glue/tape to shoe box lid. Cut a hole for the doorknob.
- Open door and place doll inside. Sing song. Play with door and doll.
- Sing (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle)
Pray to Jesus, close the door.
God will reward you more and more.
Prayer is not a big, big show.
Everything you need, God already knows!
Pray to Jesus, close the door.
God will reward you more and more.
- God sees us, loves us, and cares for us. We can pray (talk) quietly to Him inside our room. He is always listening!
Activity #4: Needs vs. Wants Sticky Table/Wall
- Prep: Tape contact paper sheet sticky side out onto wall or table. Draw a line down the middle and write NEEDS at the top of one column and WANTS at the top of the second column. Cut out pictures of needs/wants.
- Look at each picture and color it a little bit. Talk about what things are needs and what things are wants. Place them in the correct column on the sticky chart.
- God always hears our prayers, and He knows everything we need. We can pray for anything and trust that God will take care of us. God is all-wise and knows what blessings to give us.
Closing: John 17:17, Your Word is truth. God will always take care of us! He sees us, loves us, and cares for us. We can pray (talk) quietly to Him inside our room. He is always listening!