Noah Day 1: Sin and Sadness
- Materials:
- We are using the Say & Pray Baby Bible and/or The Jesus Storybook Bible (but any children’s Bible with illustrations would work)
- 2 paper plates (one with sad face and one with happy face)
- Cheerios
- Optional: Fingerpaints
- Day 1: Lesson & Activities
- Prep: Draw a happy face on one plate and a sad face on the other plate.
- Show happy face and sad face plates – say “happy face!” in an excited voice and “sad face” in a sad voice. Sing If You’re Happy and You Know It with happy face plate.
- Open Bible to Genesis 6. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read” the story. Use sad and happy face plates to help tell story and hold attention. God saw the bad sins of everyone on earth. He was very sad that He had made people on the earth. Show sad face. God made people, but He was going to destroy them. He made animals, but He was going to destroy them. He made birds in the sky, but He was going to destroy them. He was very sad that He made people on the earth. Show sad face. But Noah obeyed God. God was pleased with Noah. Show happy face.

God saw sin and He was sad.
- Sing with sad and happy face plates. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God saw sin and He was sad, He was sad, He was sad. God saw sin and He was sad – the people were so bad. God saw Noah and He was glad, He was glad, He was glad. God saw Noah and He was glad – Noah obeyed God’s words.
- Place Cheerios on eyes, nose, and mouth of happy and sad faces on plates.
- Eat Cheerios!
- Katelyn (16 months old) also enjoyed transferring the Cheerios from the bag to the plates (and vice versa), and dumping the bag of Cheerios and dumping the plates. She was actually not interested in eating the Cheerios, which I was ok with since she was dumping them all over the floor! ;)
- Open up children’s Bible to Noah’s ark story (or open real Bible to verse) and read this week’s verse: Proverbs 29:26, Everyone who trusts in the Lord is safe!
Painting: Katelyn just LOVES painting, so this was a spur of the moment decision for the lesson. I let her choose 3 colors of fingerpaints and paint the face plates!

- TIPS for Painting success with Toddlers:
- Lay down a towel underneath painting area
- Use some sort of chair to keep the painting activity contained and structured – I use a portable high chair and taped a larger tray onto it
- Tape down pieces of paper (or in this case plates)
- I always have 2 wet paper towels ready ahead of time for quick clean up (wiping her hands)
- I recently bought a paint smock for $5 on Amazon. It’s definitely not necessary because Katelyn wasn’t that messy with her clothes, but it’s kinda fun to have something special to put on. And then I don’t have to worry about her getting paint on her clothes.
- When she’s done painting, I remove the tray, quickly wipe down her hands with the wet paper towels, pull off her smock, and get her out of the chair.