Day 1: Running Away from God
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
- Activity #2: Boat, whale, fish toys
Day 1: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Jonah 1:1-3a. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.

Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible and read the verse and prayer. Psalm 73:23, “I am always with you.” Point to Jonah, the big fish/whale, the water, the ship, the bubbles.Jonah ran away from God, but he couldn’t hide from God. God was always with Jonah and kept Jonah safe, even though Jonah disobeyed.
Activity #1:
- Sing and Move (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) Walking, walking, walking, walking. Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. Running, running, running. Running, running, running. Now let’s stop, now let’s stop.
Activity #2: Play Chasing Game
- Encourage child to run from various toys: boat, whale, fish…
- Run, run, run – The ____ is gonna get you!
- You can’t hide from God. He is always with you. (Psalm 73:23)
- Katelyn also enjoyed saying BIG, BIG, BIG for the whale and SMALL, SMALL, SMALL for the smaller fish toy.

Closing: Psalm 73:23, I am always with you. You can’t hide from God. He is always with us.