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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 9: Jonah

Posted by on September 28, 2020

Day 4: Sins Are Washed Away

*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Activity #1: Picture of traffic light with Red and Green
  • Activity #2: Sheet of white paper, sharpie, Red and Green paints, 1-2 paint brushes, Stool so child can stand up to a sink
  • Activity #3: Clear glass, Red food coloring, Bleach
  • Optional: Whale toy with buckles

Day 4: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Jonah 3:3-5a, 10. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.

Activity #1: Stop and Go game

  • Move around and freeze when you hear “stop!” (Can play music and dance if you’d like)
  • Show traffic light card
  • Speak: Red says STOP! Green says GO! STOP your sin, and GO, GO, GO to Jesus!
    • I used a large traffic light that I made with one of my classes when I was teaching – it was good practice for Katelyn to find the red and green colored circles when I said “red” or “green”!

Activity #2: Sink painting!

  • Prep: On sheet of white paper, draw 2 circles, one above the other (I folded the paper in half so I could see how big the circles should be). Then, draw a black heart in the top circle and a cross in the bottom circle.
  • Look at the drawn “traffic light” picture.
  • Part 1: The black heart is for our sin that makes God sad – we need to STOP our sin. Red means STOP.
    • Squeeze some red paint into the sink and have child paint with the paintbrush in the sink.
    • Fold the traffic light paper in half so that only the black heart circle is showing – press that side into the sink painting to make a red paint print.
    • Fill the sink with water and let child play and clean out the sink.
  • Part 2: The cross is for Jesus! Green means GO – go to Jesus!
    • Squeeze some green paint into the sink and have child paint with the paintbrush in the sink.
    • Press the cross circle side in the sink painting to make a green paint print.
    • Unfold the paper and lay it out to dry.
    • Fill the sink with water and let child play and clean out the sink.
  • Free play: Katelyn loved this activity so much that we did it with several colors mixed together! She had fun playing in the water to clean up, too!

Activity #3:

  • Fill glass halfway with water – so nice and clean! (Tip: I filled the glass all the way and then measured out one cup of water for the initial water amount. That way, I knew it wouldn’t overflow when we dumped in the bleach.)
  • Put in a drop of red food coloring – uh, oh! The water is dirty! Our sin makes us unclean.
  • Jesus washes away our sin! Pour in a cup of bleach and watch the water get clean!

Additional Activity: I found this fun whale with buckles and a zipper on Amazon and saved it for the week we started the Jonah lessons. She’s been having fun learning to attach the buckles and slide the zipper open and closed!

Closing: Psalm 73:23, I am always with you. When we have trusted in Jesus, God will never leave us.

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