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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 9: Jonah

Posted by on September 28, 2020

Day 5: Jonah is Angry

*There are 4 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Activity #1: Green monster (green stuffed animal or puppet – I used a brown paper bag painted green that I added a face to)
  • Activity #2: Lamp (only if it’s not sunny outside), Balls to kick and throw
  • Activity #3: Plastic tub, Dirt or brown rice, Pipe cleaners, Pony beads, Leaves (real or fake)
  • Activity #4: Gummy worms, Chocolate pudding, Oreos

Day 5: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Jonah 4:1, 4-11. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.

Activity #1:

  • Jonah was angry. Show me your angry face. Grr…
  • The green monster is angry. “I am angry – STOMP, STOMP, STOMP!” Have child stomp along with the green monster.
  • In your anger, do not sin. Take a deep breath, and think of God.

Activity #2:

  • Go outside on a sunny day and bring several balls to play with. (If it’s not sunny, set up a lamp on one side of the room.)
  • Sing while running around in the sun/shade (Tune: London Bridge is Falling Down) Run, run, run into the sun, into the sun, into the sun. Run, run, run into the sun – (speak) Oh! It’s SO hot! Run, run, run into the shade, into the shade, into the shade. Run, run, run into the shade – (speak) Ah! It’s nice and cool!
  • Talk about how God made the trees to give us shade. Thank You, God! God is in control of all creation.

Activity #3:

  • Make mud in a plastic tub OR play in brown rice in a tub.
  • Make “worms” out of pipe cleaners and beads. Bury the worms in the “dirt.”
  • Make the worms eat leaves. God made worms eat up the plant that gave Jonah shade. Jonah was angry. God was teaching Jonah to think about other people and have a kind heart toward them.

Activity #4:

  • Put gummy worms in chocolate pudding with crushed oreos and eat it for a special snack!

Closing: Psalm 73:23, I am always with you. God wants to teach us how to act more like Him.

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