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Tornado Warning and Hailstorm

Posted by on August 3, 2013

At 3:45 I was awakened from a nap by the sound of an emergency alert on my phone. There was a tornado warning. Lily was also napping on her bed, so I grabbed the entire crate and a few books and headed to the bathroom.photoSince I don’t have a basement, Lily and I hung out for a while in the bathroom.

IMG_4882At 4:30, the warning expired, but a new one replaced it. A tornado had touched the ground 5 miles west of my condo! Suddenly, I could hear the strong winds and a horrible banging noise. Lily’s tail poofed up because she was so scared. It was hailing, but at first I thought the tornado was tearing things apart. I grabbed Lily and shoved her into her crate and brought it in the tub with me. She settled down a bit, but I was shaking!

IMG_4883The tornado went south of me, touching the ground several times along the way. All we got was a bunch of hail, but it was still terrifying.


Water/hail came out of the downspouts so quickly, the rocks were scattered onto the sidewalk!

IMG_4900The poor little tree outside my window lost a bunch of leaves.

IMG_4901Hail in the soggy, wet grass.

IMG_4902I’m glad my car was tucked safely inside my garage! All the cars are pretty dented up.

IMG_4909Some windows in my complex were broken.

IMG_4912Beautiful clouds after the storm…



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