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Veteran afghan

Posted by on December 21, 2005

Wow! Almost a whole month and I haven’t written! I guess that just shows you how busy I was! Man, was that a crazy semester! 19 credits! But I did it, and I am very pleased with my grades! Christmas break has been great so far. Just yesterday I finished my huge crochet project that I started on Thanksgiving — a red, white, and blue afghan for my grandpa for Christmas! It is HUGE, and I know he will love it! Here are some pictures of it and the pattern, in case anyone is interested in how I did it (it’s not that hard – it just takes a long time).

the stripes can go horizontal…

…or vertical!

hook size: H
made with medium worsted yarn (Red Heart)

Ch 250
Starting in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch until the end, ch 1, turn
Dc in each st until the end, ch 1, turn
Do this until you have 7 rows of the first color, then cut and hide end.
Attach the second color and do 7 rows.
Attach the third color and do 7 rows.
The color pattern I did for the stripes was:
Blue Red White Blue Red White Blue White Red Blue White Red Blue
So it’s symmetrical :)

And that’s it!

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