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When it Rains, it Pours

Posted by on October 8, 2011

When it rains, it pours. I woke up this morning to the sound of hard rain pounding against my window. Though my body was warm underneath layers of blankets, the tip of my nose was ice cold. You see, the heat in my apartment is broken. I noticed it last night when I tried to turn the heat on for the first time since moving here. Instead of warming the apartment, only cool air blew out and made me feel even colder. So I piled blankets on my bed and put on my flannel pajamas and ski socks to gear up for a chilly night.

This morning, I sent an e-mail to my apartment management to put in a work order. Not long after, Tim was standing at my doorstep with his ladder and an umbrella. He stepped inside and set to work, checking the water heater and the furnace. Finally, he concluded that a fan inside the furnace is broken. Since he does not have the part on hand, he will have to order it. Meanwhile, I’m stuck with a cold apartment until next Monday or Tuesday.

A few minutes after the heater mystery was solved, I noticed that the window in my bedroom was not sealed all the way. Rain was leaking in through the crack and filling the window sill. For the second time today, I e-mailed my apartment management to place a work order. When it rains, it pours. In the meantime, I crammed a towel against the crack to keep the water from spreading, but within a few minutes, the towel was soaked through. This problem, however, turned out to be an easy fix. To get my window to close all the way, I have to push on the glass while sliding it. Sure enough, the window is now leak free! The rain can batter all it wants.

Tim was concerned about me with the heat not working for several more days. I assured him that it would be fine; I would just bundle up. So, here I sit, cozy in front of the fireplace sipping a steaming cup of coffee. That’s the best way to spend a day like this anyway, isn’t it?

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