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Posted by on July 21, 2011

The LORD will provide.

I am not the kind of person who embraces change. If only my schedule would remain consistent, if only my friends would stay close by and remain constant, if only I knew how to handle the next big part of life, I would be content…or would I? Consistency in my lifestyle or my friendships is not the answer.

The LORD will provide.

Every season is going to be different – but the LORD remains the same. I try so hard, but I cannot wrap my mind around the ways of the LORD. He chooses new people, new circumstances, and new situations to teach me and shape me in each season of my life. I struggle to allow Him to use whatever or whomever in my life. Sometimes I wish it were easier to let go of my own ideas and simply, wholeheartedly trust that

The LORD will provide.

The LORD has always provided – though often not in the way I had imagined. Yet I still doubt Him. I fear that because things are changing with the new school year approaching, I will be left alone, without a community. What causes this fear? Last year I lived alone – and the LORD was always faithful to provide beyond my every need. He placed me in a women’s Bible study that blessed my heart each week. THE VERY DAY after that Bible study ended, I was personally invited to a new Bible study, in which He has blessed me this summer. With the school year approaching, my schedule is about to change again, and I am fearful. But –

The LORD will provide.

I am auditioning for the Longmont Symphony Orchestra at the end of August. Being my 2nd year of teaching 5th grade, I feel that I can handle more outside of school, and I really miss playing violin with an orchestra. They only practice once a week – but that one day a week is the same night of Bible study. There are other Bible studies that I’m sure are wonderful, but it’s hard to think about switching. For there, I am developing new friendships. I am able to fellowship with men and women. I am able to be blessed by little children. Why does the LORD ask us to give up things that are so precious? Elisabeth Elliot says, “God never denies us our heart’s desire except to give us something better.”

I have to trust that the LORD in His steadfast faithfulness will continue to provide for my every need in the next season.

“My God in His steadfast love will meet me.” Psalm 59:10

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