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Summer fun with music

Posted by on May 29, 2006

Despite the fact that I have finished my music minor, I am still having a lot of fun with music so far this summer. I bought a fiddle book, and it has been fun to learn to play “fiddle”! I am also learning to play a little bit of clarinet and flute, thanks to my mom and Rebecca. :) And my dad keeps asking me if I’m ready for my trumpet lesson yet. haha I guess he feels left out.

This past week I did a lot of preparation for my summer music camps at Maranatha (in June and July), but I still have a lot of planning to do still. I am very excited to be teaching music to kids this summer. After this past year, my focus was starting to turn more towards my Elementary Education major, and I decided that I don’t want to teach music; I want to teach kindergarten. But I don’t think I can say what exactly I want to teach because I have a feeling God has some surprises in store for me.

I brought my bag of all my supplies for my camps (including books, videos, and tapes) in to Maranatha last week to get them approved. You should have seen how excited Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Truesdell got over just looking at all the stuff I have prepared. I’m pretty sure that I want to come back and teach at Maranatha after I get my degree, and as I was standing there showing them everything, I realized that with my talent in music, they will probably want me to do some kind of music there. I don’t know that for sure, but I just have that feeling about it. Mrs. Miller even jokingly asked, “how many years do you have left??”

It’s not like I wasn’t trying to follow God’s will before, but I think I’ve been trying to pinpoint exactly what I want to do too much. I know that I want to teach kids, and I know that I want to teach what’s most important: Jesus Christ. But other than that, I’m going to follow God’s leading and see where He puts me. I would love to teach kindergarten, and you know I would include a lot of music in my classroom, but I also think teaching music would be fun as well. And technically, when I graduate I will be highly qualified to teach music because of my minor.

I’ve often feel inferior to the music majors because I only have a minor. I feel like I’m not as well-equipped as they are, and I feel that they would look down on me if I wanted to teach music. But really, I have just as much talent as they do (I’ve proved that by being in the USO and not being last chair even!), and I have a passion for teaching children. If God leads me to teach music someday, I will, and He will help me to teach it well!

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