Spiritual Growth
Teaching Beauty
Teaching is like a rose; although it has some thorns, its beauty can’t be hidden. I thought today was going to be a rough day: my students received a terrible report from the art teacher first thing in the morning and then I had to immediately send a student to the principal’s office for continued … Continue reading
Emmanuel, God with us. Recently this name has been to me a source of comfort and strength, a reason to worship. I’ve known its meaning for years, but this Christmas season, Emmanuel holds a deeper meaning. Living alone has really changed my perspective in a lot of ways and has caused me to depend more … Continue reading
Peace in the Storm
“Holy design, this place in time, that I might seek and find my God, my God.” (Yearn by Shane&Shane) In the midst of the storm, I have caught glimpses of the LORD, but my eyes have been too fixed on the situations of life to turn my gaze into the eyes of the One who … Continue reading
Raised to the ROCK of FAITH
I am being broken – broken so that the LORD may rebuild me. Where do you turn when you are discouraged and in need? That says a lot about whom you are trusting and where you are seeking your security, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It is so natural for me to turn to PEOPLE to fill … Continue reading
How well do you LISTEN?
If you know me well, you will know that I have fully mastered the skill of “pouring out my heart.” It often helps me deal with my trials when I am able to process verbally or in writing. But the Lord has recently been stretching me in this area, and in the process, my eyes … Continue reading
A Change in Perspective
Saying goodbye and moving on to the next task is a difficult thing for me. Today exemplified the transition I am making as I hugged North Valley teachers goodbye and turned in my classroom and school keys (with tears) and then drove down to Platteville to meet a new staff and embrace my new responsibilities … Continue reading
Even “Detours” Have a Purpose
It’s so hard to believe that I have almost finished my second year of teaching! And it is difficult to say goodbye…over the past two years I have grown to love the teachers and the students at North Valley Middle School. Two years ago I was seeking an elementary teaching position, but God chose instead … Continue reading