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Raised to the ROCK of FAITH

Posted by on August 3, 2010

I am being broken – broken so that the LORD may rebuild me. Where do you turn when you are discouraged and in need? That says a lot about whom you are trusting and where you are seeking your security, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It is so natural for me to turn to PEOPLE to fill the void which ONLY MY SAVIOR can fill. My closest friends, in which I have sought fulfillment, are being stripped from me. In fact, the LORD has me in a place of solitude – living alone – a place where I have NO OTHER OPTION but to rely on and cry out to Him. Why is that so difficult? Why is it so painful?

The habit of trusting in others instead of my Savior has dug down roots so deep that removing them is a painful process. But they must be uprooted if my life is to be built on the Rock of Christ – the only sure foundation in an ever changing world. This test seems much more difficult and painful than the last, but with the LORD, I will endure the loneliness, the tear-filled nights, the hurt, the discouragement, the silence. In His strength and with His constant presence, I will be raised up from the sinking sand and placed on the Rock of Christ, my God. In this season, my life is being transformed to stand secure upon the ROCK of FAITH.

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