Spiritual Growth
It’s my last evening of summer freedom; tomorrow begins the professional training for a new school year. It’s amazing how God works, isn’t it? Sometimes He chooses to use perspective to change us. For example, my dream job was teaching 1st grade. I student-taught 1st grade and loved it. But then when it came to getting a real job, God stuck … Continue reading
The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty
You’re always closer than we know Always more involved and in control We will trust our lives to You The One who was, and is, and is to come “God of our Yesterdays” by Chris McClarney Do you realize that God is involved and in control of every detail of your life–even the negative … Continue reading
God has a Purpose
I was dreading last week, but God was at work to turn it into something beautiful. I got another new student this past week. I was pretty upset and overwhelmed and even angry about the difficulty of having 33 students in my 5th grade class…until I went to counseling training Wednesday night. We … Continue reading
True Security
This is my security! Psalm 102:25-28 Of old You laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but You are the … Continue reading
Will You Trust the Lord? (Part 2)
God has been teaching me what it looks like to trust Him in all my circumstances – instead of trying to control everything in my own strength. This week’s perspective was how I respond to stress. 5. I handle the stresses of life differently because I have Christ. As I stood outside at morning recess duty … Continue reading
The Nearness of God, My Refuge
I have a relationship with the majestic Creator God. Because He is God, I can trust Him in any and every circumstance. As I read and meditate on His Word, I learn more about who He is and I am reminded why I can trust Him. This week’s meditation took me on a journey of … Continue reading
Will You Trust the Lord?
Over the past couple of weeks, I have realized just how much I want to be in control of my circumstances. But God is asking, “Will you trust Me?” 1. One day at a time is enough. God has not asked me to live in the future. In fact, He has commanded that I serve Him today instead … Continue reading