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Will You Trust the Lord? (Part 2)

Posted by on March 22, 2014

God has been teaching me what it looks like to trust Him in all my circumstances – instead of trying to control everything in my own strength. This week’s perspective was how I respond to stress.

5. I handle the stresses of life differently because I have Christ. As I stood outside at morning recess duty before school last week, I noticed tension in my neck and shoulders – tension that never seems to go away. Will my students do well on their TCAP test? Will they mess around and disrespect me today? How should I handle their misbehavior? Will the timing be right for the lessons I have prepared? Then a thought popped into my head: How would a nonChristian respond to the stresses of teaching? Fear, worry, anxiety, tension… This is how I often respond – but I am a Christian. Because I have Christ, I don’t have to respond this way; I can respond differently. I can relax and enjoy every moment of each day! I felt my tension wash away. In Christ, I can enjoy my students – what a blessing!

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