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Getting Ready for a “Gold” Year!

Posted by on August 3, 2012

A friend and I went shopping at Knowledge Bound (teacher store) today, and I’m finally beginning to get excited for the school year. :)

Since I don’t have energy to be out and about doing much, I’m using this “down time” of being sick to watch movies and work on some prep for school. Here are some of my ideas for the first day/week of school…

1) Students color the Olympic rings the correct colors (as indicated on their coloring sheet).

2) The five rings stand for the 5 continents coming together for the Olympic games, just as we are coming together as individuals to form our class. The colors were chosen to represent colors from each country’s flag (every country’s flag has at least one of the 5 colors). The students will create their own representation of the colors by describing things about themselves.

For example, mine is: Blue stands for the color of my eyes (for it is through my eyes that I experience life), Black stands for the dark coffee in my mug (I like my coffee dark!), Red stands for the red pillows on my couch (I enjoy relaxing there to read), Yellow stands for the sunshine streaming through my window (it’s my favorite first thing in the morning), and Green stands for my kitten Lily’s eyes (she is my buddy and companion).

3) Then the students will draw a picture inside each ring to illustrate their color representations. :) We will mount our flags on colored paper (blue, black, red, yellow, and green) and hang them up to display the personalities in our class!

And I updated my classroom routines to represent our Olympic theme. (It looks like I spent a lot of time on this, but really I just changed the pictures from last year’s to fit this year’s theme. :) )

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