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Posted by on October 31, 2005

There are many Christians who see Halloween as a fun, harmless holiday, but I have the strong conviction not to celebrate it. It disappoints me to see so many Christians dressing up and taking part in the celebration. Most other holidays have something worth celebrating. Thanksgiving is being thankful for what God has given us, Christmas is celebrating God sending His Son in human form to save us, and Easter is remembering the death and resurrection of Christ.

Halloween may be “fun,” but when you dress up, people notice that. As Christians, we need to be different than the world, not trying to blend in with them. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says, “Avoid every form of evil.” The origins of Halloween are associated with evil things. Even though many of those evil things have died down in today’s celebration, Halloween is still a holiday based on those things. A good compromise is handing out candy and tracts to the people that come knocking on your door. That is what my family has always done, and I like it because it’s using the holiday to share Jesus with others.

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