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Lessons from Hiking

Posted by on June 29, 2011

A couple weekends ago, some friends and I went hiking. Our planned one hour hike turned into a seven hour hike – six hours of which we were LOST. It was quite the adventure, and we were processing it for several days afterwards. After finally finding our cabin again (with HUGE amounts of guidance and strength from the Lord), I had trouble sleeping and came up with this song to reflect what we had learned.


(to the tune of “Blessings” by Laura Story)

We pray for guidance; we pray for peace

We pray that we’ll see a clue when we look through the trees

We doubt the pathway; we start to fear

Wond’ring every minute when the cabin will appear

And all the while, You hear each spoken need

Though we can’t see, Your hand is guiding every step

What if Your guidance comes through blindness

What if Your leading is through trust

What if 6 hours of endless hiking’s how You show that You’re with us

What if despite the vague directions

From the people that we met,

You knew exactly where we were at every step, we need not fret

Though we may not see the way,

Our faithful God will lead us home.

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