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Look toward heaven

Posted by on October 17, 2005

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
~Colossians 3:2

This was my verse to memorize last week, but it has applied more to me this week, and it’s only Monday! Last night I was upset about possibly not being able to go to Spain with the orchestra next May because I’m last chair, and Dr. Guyver is allowed to bring 75 (which is actually really good because before it was only 60 and he got it changed to 75). I really don’t need to worry about that because it’s in God’s hands. He knows best, and it’s not like it’s the worst thing in the world if I can’t go.

Tonight I did a HUGE load of laundry–I hadn’t done it in a while. My roommate Ashley had forgotten to wash her black napkins for band, so she asked me if I would stick them in for her. There was only a small problem with me doing that–she had never washed them before and they are BLACK. So, yeah, it got on ALL my light colored stuff (because I don’t separate my laundry since it’s just me, and it’s a WHOLE STINKIN’ DOLLAR to do ONE load of laundry). I was pretty upset, but I know that my clothes are only earthly things. It seems like God is trying to teach me something here… “Set your minds on things ABOVE, not on EARTHLY THINGS.”

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