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My little shadow of grace

Posted by on September 23, 2005

Everywhere I go this semester I have a little shadow that tags along with me–my violin. It’s not that I plan to carry it with me everywhere, but it hasn’t been convenient to use my locker in Frasier much. So instead, I carry my lightweight (thank God!) violin case everywhere. When I bought this new violin for college, I named it Grazia, which is Italian for grace. Ironically, the very first piece that I performed for an audience with this violin was an arrangement of Amazing Grace at church for offertory! So the name really fits. :) Today as I was walking down the hallway with my violin, I was thinking about the fact that I carry Grazia (grace) with me everywhere. It reminded me of God’s grace that He gave to us as a free gift. God also gave me my talent to play violin. Each and every day we are living saved by His grace. So instead of feeling burdened carrying Grazia with me, it will remind me of God’s grace that follows me everywhere I go.

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