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Stop Living for Tomorrow

Posted by on September 29, 2007

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalm 118:24

I’m a little over a week away from student teaching. It’s hard to believe that I’m a senior already. It seems like just yesterday I was coming off to college as a freshman. This next week is finals week for me, and I guess what I’m experiencing right now could be considered “senioritis.” Everyone in my student teaching methods classes is getting really anxious to just go teach. Our four hour long literacy class is dragging longer every day.

For a while now I’ve been wishing that it would just be October 8th, so I can be in Mrs. Nelson’s 1st grade classroom all day every day. I LOVE the kids, my partner teacher, and the atmosphere of the elementary school. But through all this, I have to remind myself to enjoy each day that the LORD gives me instead of “living for tomorrow.” I am praying that the LORD will help me to enjoy this last week of classes instead of continually wishing that it would just be over!

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