Day 2: Soaring in the Skies
*There are 6 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible)
- Lesson: cotton balls, small bird cut-outs
- Activity #1: Handheld fan, bubbles, streamers, pinwheel, pompoms
- Activity #2: Cotton balls, blue construction paper, glue, spray bottle filled with water
- Activity #3: Shaving cream, table, Plate, spray bottle filled with water
- Activity #4: Feathers, Toy bird that chirps
- Activity #5: Feathers, Picture of bird on paper, Bird’s nest, bird eggs, bird (make craft or just use one to touch and look at)
- Activity #6: YouTube video of ducks quacking, rubber ducks, medium plastic tub filled with water
Day 2: Lesson
- Find new sticker of what God has made: Sky, Clouds, Birds.
- Open Bible to Genesis 1:6-7 and 20-23. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
- God made the sky. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
- God made the clouds. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
- God made the birds. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible.
- Find the clear sky. What color is the sky in the picture? (blue)
- Place cotton balls in the clear sky. Touch and play with cotton balls. Talk about the puffy, white clouds. Make them move across the sky.
- Place small bird cut-outs in the clear sky. Make them fly around. Look at all the space God gave the birds!
Activity #1: Feel the Wind Blow – Wind
- Blow with breath and/or fan and talk about the wind. God made the Wind! God is good!
- Turn on ceiling fan and blow bubbles. Bubbles blow in the wind!
- Blow fan and feel the wind. Blow streamers with the fan.
- Blow a pinwheel and watch it spin in the wind.
- Blow pompoms across table with breath and/or fan.
- Speak Poem during activities: Listen to the wind. Feel it blow! God made the wind. This I know.
Activity #2: Cotton Ball Cloud Craft – Clouds and Rain
- Pull cotton balls apart and bunch them. Glue to blue paper for clouds in the sky.
- Speak or sing (made-up tune) Oh, who can make a cloud? I know I can’t! Can you? Oh, who can make a cloud? I know it’s God, ‘tis true!
- Hold up and float cloud craft and sing. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) I saw a cloud go sailing by, sailing by, sailing by. I saw a cloud go sailing by. Raindrops fell on me!
- Another song to sing. (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell) The raindrops fell on me. The raindrops fell on me. The raindrops fell down from the cloud. The raindrops fell on me.
- God made Rain! God is good! Clap for God.
- Sing “I saw a cloud…” again and add spray bottle for rain.

Activity #3: Shaving Cream Clouds and Raindrop Plate Splash – Clouds and Rain
- Put shaving cream on table and spread around to make clouds.
- Speak/sing above poem (made up tune). Oh, who can make a cloud? I know I can’t! Can you? Oh, who can make a cloud? I know it’s God, ‘tis true!
- Place plate on top of smeared shaving cream. Spray water onto plate for splashing.
- Sing (Tune: I’m a Little Teapot) See the little raindrops falling down (3x) God made raindrops fall down from the clouds. Take your little hand and splash, splash, splash (3x) Splash the little raindrops!
Activity #4: Bird Dance and Song – Birds
- Make bird sounds and flap arms – move like the poem.
- Speak poem: Birds can fly. Up high! Then low! They can flap their wings. Very fast! Then slow!
- Touch and blow feathers – up into the air, across the table (can talk about wind again). Dance around with feathers. Try to keep feathers up in the air by blowing on them or tapping with hands.
- Listen to toy bird chirp.
- Sing (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made birds to tweet-tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet-tweet. God made birds to tweet-tweet-tweet. Thank You, God, for birds!
- Listen to birds singing outside.
Activity #5: Bird Feathers and Nest Crafts – Birds
- Prep: Draw or print out picture of bird.
- Glue feathers onto bird drawn/printed on paper.
- Make a bird’s nest with eggs (or touch fake bird in nest).
- Sing. (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) Did you know that God made the bird? He made the bird! Did you know that God made the bird? He made the bird! Just look around and you will see What God has made for you and me. Did you know that God made the bird? He made the bird!

Activity #6: Ducks on the Water – Ducks
- Watch YouTube video of ducks quacking on river.
- Show rubber ducks “quack quack.”
- Play with ducks in water and sing
- (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made ducks to quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack. God made ducks to quack-quack-quack. Thank You, God, for ducks!
- Speak poem: Quack-quack went the little yellow duck one day. Quack-quack went the little yellow duck. Quack-quack went the little yellow duck one day. God made me! Quack-quack
Closing: Colossians 1:16, He created everything in heaven and on earth. God made the Sky and Wind, the Clouds and Rain, and the Birds and Ducks! Clap and cheer for God.