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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 1: Creation

Posted by on February 15, 2021

Day 3: Splash and Swim

*There are 8 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
  • Activity #1: blank sheet of paper, fingerpaint (blues and greens), small pictures of sea creatures (cut out) OR sea creatures stickers
  • Activity #2: plastic or paper cup, stickers
  • Activity #3: medium-large plastic tub (or water table or bathtub), balls that float, rocks that sink, sponges to squeeze, funnel to pour and drip, strainer to drip, bottles to squeeze
  • Activity #4: Rainbow Fish book, toy fish
  • Activity #5: Fish toys, medium-large tub (or water table or bathtub), dishsoap to add bubbles
  • Activity #6: Plastic Frog and Turtle toys, medium plastic tub, rocks to fill bottom, water
  • Activity #7: Various seashells, pictures of seashells
  • Activity #8: Pasta shells, cups, bowls, bags

Day 3: Lesson

  • Find new sticker of what God has made: Water, Fish, Frogs, Turtles, other sea creatures.
  • Open Bible to Genesis 1:6-7 and 20-23. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
  • God made the water. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
  • God made all the sea creatures. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
  • God made seashells. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.

Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible.

  • Read story, verse, and prayer.
  • There is no water and no fish or sea creatures in the pictures of this Bible.
  • Sing. (Tune: Are You Sleeping) God made water, God made water On Day 2, on Day 2 Water we can drink and Water we can play in, Go for a swim, and take a bath.
  • Can revisit some of the rain songs from Day 2.

Activity #1: Painting – Water and Sea Creatures

  • Using shades of blue and green, have child fingerpaint all over a piece of paper. Make the water swirl and wave.
  • When dry, add some sea creatures (I printed and cut out some pictures, but you could also use stickers).

Activity #2: Water Cup – Drinking water

  • Decorate a plastic or paper cup with stickers. Drink water out of the cup!
  • Sing song from Children’s Bible Reading section again.

Activity #3: Sink, Float, and Squeeze – Water Play

  • Play in the water and experiment with different tools.

Activity #4: Fish Reading and Swimming – Fish

  • Read Rainbow Fish book (or just look at the pictures).
  • Make toy fish swim around while singing: Oh, who can make a fish? I know I can’t, can you? Oh, who can make a fish? I know it’s God, ‘tis true!

Activity #5: Fish Toy Water Play – Water Play and Fish

  • Splash and water play with fish toys.
  • Sing songs:
  • (Tune: Three Blind Mice) Shiny little fish, shiny little fish. See how he swims, see how he swims. He flicks his fins and he swishes his tail. God made him with beautiful, shiny scales. Shiny little fish, shiny little fish.
  • (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made fish to swim like this, swim like this, swim like this. God made fish to swim like this. Thank You, God, for fish.

Activity #6: Turtle and Frog Rock Tub – Turtles and Frogs

  • Play with turtles and frogs in tub of water with rocks.
  • Sing with turtle toys (Tune: Are You Sleeping) Mister Turtle, are you sleeping In the sun, where it’s warm? Wake up, Mister Turtle! Wake up, Mister Turtle! Say, “hello!” Say, “hello!”
  • Sing with frog toys (Tune: I’m a Little Teapot) Hop a little froggy, hop-hop-hop. Hop a little froggy, don’t you stop. Hop a little froggy, one-two-three. Hop a little froggy, hop to me!

Activity #7: Seashell Sort – Seashells

  • Show a seashell and/or pictures while singing: Oh, who can make a seashell? I know I can’t, can you? Oh, who can make a seashell? I know it’s God, ‘tis true!
  • Touch and sort seashells – smooth, bumpy, round, etc.
  • Sing: (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made seashells oh, so bumpy. oh, so bumpy, oh, so bumpy. God made seashells oh, so bumpy. Thank You, God, for seashells!

Activity #8: Pasta Seashell Play – Seashells

  • Play with pasta shells – gather them up, put them in cups and bowls, pour them, put inside baggie and peek at them.

Closing: Colossians 1:16, He created everything in heaven and on earth. God made the Water, Fish, Turtles, Frogs, and Seashells! Clap and cheer for God.

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