Day 5: Animals, Animals Everywhere
*There are 5 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible)
- Activity #1: cat and dog stuffed animals
- Activity #2: farm animal toys (horses, cows, pigs, sheep)
- Activity #3: safari animal toys (elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, lions)
- Activity #4: outback animal toys (koala bears, crocodiles, kangaroos)
- Activity #5: forest animal toys (squirrel, bunny, owl, deer, fox)
Day 5: Lesson
- Find new sticker of what God has made: Animals.
- Open Bible to Genesis 1:25. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
- God made all different types of animals. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible.
- Identify the different animals in the picture.
- Sing about several specific animals in the picture. (Tune: Old McDonald) God, our Father, made a cat on the 5th day. With a meow-meow here and a meow-meow there. Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow-meow. God, our Father, made a cat on the 5th day.
Activity #1: Pets – Cats and Dogs
- Pet cat and dog stuffed animals.
- Sing. (Tune: This is the Way We Wash…) This is the way we pet the cat, pet the cat, pet the cat. This is the way we pet the cat So gently with our hands.
- Mimic cat and dog sounds with stuffed animals.
- Sing. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made cats to meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow. God made cats to meow-meow-meow. Thank You, God, for cats
- “Walk” the animals across the table – cats sneak and pounce, dogs bounce and run
Activity #2: Farm Animals – Farm Animals
- “Walk” the animals across the table – horses gallop and trot, cows walk and graze, pigs roll in the mud
- Speak Poem: Down on the farm, early in the morning, See the mother horse galloping by. See the baby horse following behind her. Boom-boom, boom-boom, there they go!
- Mother cow walking…
- Mother pig rolling…
- Sing with toy horses. (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell) The horse runs so fast, the horse runs so fast. He eats the hay. He eats the grass. The horse runs so fast.
- Gallop around with child on your back – horsey rides!

Activity #3: Safari Animals – Safari Animals
- “Walk” the animals across the table – rhinos walk, zebras prance, lions stalk, elephants stomp, giraffes walk tall.
- Down in the safari, early in the morning, See the mother rhino walking by. See the baby rhino following behind her. Boom-boom, boom-boom, there they go!
- Mother zebra prancing…
- Mother lion stalking…
- Mother elephant stomping…
- Mother giraffe walking tall…
- Sing with elephants. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) God made elephants oh, so big! Oh, so big! Oh, so big! God made elephants oh, so big! Thank You, God, for elephants.
- Speak Poem: The elephant has a long-long trunk. He has two floppy ears. He has four legs and loves to sway. God made him just this way!
Activity #4: Outback Animals – Outback Animals
- “Walk” the animals across the table – koala bears climb, crocodiles creep and snap, kangaroos jump.
- Down in the outback, early in the morning, See the mother kangaroo jumping by. See the baby kangaroo following behind her. Boom-boom, boom-boom, there they go!
- Mother koala bear climbing up…
- Mother crocodile creeping along…
- Sing and jump like a kangaroo, climb like a koala bear, snap like a crocodile. (Tune: London Bridge) Kangaroo is jumping by, Jumping by, jumping by. Kangaroo is jumping by Jump! Jump! Jump!
- Koala bear is climbing by…
- Crocodile is snapping by…
Activity #5: Forest Animals – Forest Animals
- “Walk” the animals across the table – squirrels run and jump, bunnies hop, owl flies, deer leap, fox sneaks and runs.
- Down in the forest, early in the morning, See the mother squirrel jumping by. See the baby squirrel following behind her. Boom-boom, boom-boom, there they go!
- Mother bunny hopping by…
- Mother owl flying by…
- Mother deer leaping by…
- Mother fox sneaking by…
- Hop stuffed bunnies and sing. (Tune: I’m a Little Teapot) Hop a little bunny, hop-hop-hop. Hop a little bunny, don’t you stop. Hop a little bunny, one-two-three. Hop a little bunny, hop to me!
- Speak Poem: I’m a little bunny rabbit, hop-hop-hop. See my little ears go flop, flop, flop. See my little nose go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. I’m a little bunny rabbit, hop-hop-hop.

Closing: Colossians 1:16, He created everything in heaven and on earth. God made all kinds of animals! Clap and cheer for God.