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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 1: Creation

Posted by on February 15, 2021

Day 6: The First Caregivers

*There are 5 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Several Children’s Bibles with pictures of Adam and Eve
  • Activity #1: pictures of Adam and Eve, pictures of Daddy and Mommy, sandpaper, soft cloth
  • Activity #2: sheet of paper, fingerpaints, pictures of Adam and Eve printed and cut out (can add a small piece of sandpaper to Adam’s face)
  • Activity #3: toy family, toy animal families, toy birds/chicks, birdseed, medium plastic tub
  • Activity #4: baby doll to care for
  • Activity #5: small pot with soil, seeds to plant and water

Day 5: Lesson

  • Find new sticker of what God has made: Family, Animals, House, Yard, Plants.
  • Open Bible to Genesis 1:26-31. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
  • God made Adam and Eve. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
  • God made people. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
  • God made Daddy and Mommy. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.
  • God made families. God is good! Clap and cheer for God.

Children’s Bible Reading:

  • Open Bibles and peek at Adam and Eve in the pictures. Notice the garden and the animals. God gave Adam and Eve the special job to take care of the garden and the animals.

Activity #1: Scratchy and Soft – Male/Female

  • Look at pictures of Adam and Eve. Look at pictures of Daddy and Mommy. Talk about similarities and differences.
  • Feel sandpaper and soft cloth.
  • Sing. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) Adam has a scratchy face, scratchy face, scratchy face. Adam has a scratchy face. Thank You, God, for Adam. Eve’s face is oh, so soft. Oh, so soft, oh, so soft. Eve’s face is oh, so soft. Thank You, God, for Eve.
  • Sing song again inserting Daddy instead of Adam and Mommy instead of Eve.

Activity #2: Adam and Eve Painting – Adam and Eve

  • Use finger paints to paint a garden.
  • Once it dries, glue on Adam and Eve. Feel Adam’s scratchy face.

Activity #3: Families – Families

  • Show toy family and/or animal families while speaking poem.
  • God made daddies – God made mothers. God made little sisters and brothers. God made little babies, too. Thank You, God! I love Daddy – I love Mother. I love little sisters and brothers. I love little babies, too. Thank You, God!
  • Watch YouTube videos of Mommy/Daddy and baby animals – talk and have animals caring for their young (preparing nests and dens, licking their fur to clean them, giving them food)
  • Hide baby animal and have Mommy animal look for it while singing. (Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?) Where, oh where has my little chick gone? Where, oh where can he be? With feathers so soft and little peep-peeps Oh, where, oh where can he be? Little dog… fur so soft, little woof-woofs etc.
  • Sing. (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb) Thank You, God, for mother hen, mother hen, mother hen. Thank You, God, for mother hen who loves her baby chicks. Thank You, God, for daddy rooster, daddy rooster, daddy rooster. Thank You, God for daddy rooster who wakes us in the morning. Thank You, God, for baby chicks, baby chicks, baby chicks. Thank You, God for baby chicks, I like to hear them peep
  • Play with toy birds/chicks in sensory tub of bird seed. (Tune: This Old Man) Seeds to eat, seeds to eat – Mother bird likes seeds to eat. Seeds to eat just for her family – Baby birds like seeds to eat.

Activity #4: Household Chores – Helper

  • Have child help care for the home and family
    • wash the dishes
    • sweep the floor
    • mop the floor
    • vacuum the carpet
    • wash the laundry
    • fold the laundry
    • hold the baby
    • cook dinner
    • pick up toys
  • This is how we just like Mommy and Daddy.
  • (Tune: Farmer in the Dell) A helper I will be, a helper I will be. I’ll help to clean the table off. A helper I will be

Activity #5: Outdoor Chores – Helper

  • Have child help with some outdoor chores
    • sweep the porch
    • pull the weeds
    • water the plants
    • pick up sticks/leaves in grass
    • trim branches
  • This is the way we water the plants… Just like Adam and Eve
  • (Tune: Farmer in the Dell) A helper I will be, a helper I will be. I’ll help to pick up all the sticks. A helper I will be.
  • Sing “This is the way we plant the seeds…” while planting some seeds in a small pot – water it and watch it grow!

Closing: Colossians 1:16, He created everything in heaven and on earth. God made Adam and Eve, Daddy and Mommy, and families. He gave people the job to care for the earth! Clap and cheer for God.

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