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Tour of Spain

Posted by on May 23, 2006

In the past couple of weeks, I completed my second year of college (and reached the halfway point!) and I have been to Spain and back! Spain was an AWESOME experience, especially getting to perform with UNC’s Symphony Orchestra 3 last times! :( I’m now moving on from music since I completed my music minor this past semester and focusing on my elementary education major. It does make me very sad, though, because I’m not sure what exactly will happen with my music (specifically, violin). I love playing my violin in orchestra, and this will be the first time since I joined the Front Range Youth Symphony orchestra back when I was a sophomore in high school that I won’t be playing in an orchestra. :( I’m still going to take lessons next year, but already I’ve had trouble motivating myself to play. I even bought a fiddle book, which has helped some. I guess it’s always hard to keep practicing in the summer no matter what. But I guess I shouldn’t worry about the future. And I can’t live in the past either. But Spain was awesome, and I made lots of memories!

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