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Posted by on August 20, 2005

I guess I really had no reason to worry about not making the USO (University Symphony Orchestra) again this year. :) I had a pretty good audition yesterday, and afterwards Dr. Guyver said, “See you Monday in Studio B”!!!! So then I knew that I was still in it. Mr. Fuchs was very encouraging too. He told me that it was good to hear me play again. :) I am 10th chair out of 13 second violins! There are TONS of new seconds this year, and my stand partner is this new guy. So I’m excited to make lots of new orchestra friends! I’m all moved in now with my two roommates, and we’ve been having lots of fun! The only bad thing right now is my allergies. They’re HORRIBLE! I’ve had a headache for about a week now, my eyes are red and itchy and I sneeze a lot. But that’s okay. I’m glad to be back in Greeley and once again a member of the USO. :)

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